In September, 345 Wellcoaches coaches walked into computer testing sites nationwide and completed the national board certification examination for health and wellness coaches (NBC-HWC).
All had studied diligently, pouring in their best efforts. Some weathered hurricanes or their aftermath to be there. Most completed a Wellcoaches exam preparation course steeped in our love of coaching competencies and their many nuances.
Many were nervous (having not taking exams for a long while), including Wellcoaches faculty and team members. Four or so hours later they emerged. The examination, eight years in the making, was challenging and covered the bases. There was a collective sense that we had together made a beautiful leap forward, setting a robust standard for health and wellness coaches.
Then for a month or so, everyone awaited their results. Examination results arrived in October as Wellcoaches coaches were gathered together at the Institute of Coaching conference in Boston and the American College of Lifestyle Medicine conference in Tucson. Together we celebrated a big milestone. We also felt compassion for those who didn’t pass and were deeply disappointed.
All of our Wellcoaches faculty and mentors and nearly all of the Wellcoaches coaches passed.
Strong together, faculty, mentors, operations team, and Wellcoaches-certified coaches, we delivered an A+ performance – a 97% pass rate. What wonderful evidence for our GOLD STANDARD and the high value and impact of our Wellcoaches training and certification programs.
If you are a Wellcoaches coach and didn’t pass the exam, we want to assure you that you are close. Please contact us – we are here to support you in passing the examination in the future.
While a stellar accomplishment, this is just a beginning. Please join the Wellcoaches coaches who led the way for the next examinations in 2018. Together, and in collaboration with the whole field, we are lifting our field of health and wellness coaches onto high ground – wonderful outcomes and job opportunities by helping thousands transform their health, well-being and lives.
Congratulations and much love to the Wellcoaches family and community. GREAT JOB!!
Wellcoaches leads with DUAL CERTIFICATION
With the arrival of the national board certification, for which we worked tirelessly to build for eight years, you lead our field with the dual certification – certified wellcoach® and NBC-HWC.
Here’s why Wellcoaches coaches are leaders and why the Wellcoaches credential will continue to be the most sought after by employers and medical organizations including our partners, the American College of Sports Medicine and the American College of Lifestyle Medicine:
– Stellar A+ performance of Wellcoaches coaches in the national board certification examination
– Wellcoaches requirement for education in health-sciences, a higher certification standard than the national board certification.
– EVIDENCE BASE of large scale application of Wellcoaches protocol, as published in our peer-reviewed Coaching Psychology Manual
– Continuous innovation of coaching processes, theories and constructs by masterful faculty – including the soon-to-launch WELLCOACHES HABITS, and LIFESTYLE MEDICINE COACH in collaboration with ACLM
– Coach membership program to enjoy world class continuing education, professional development and tools including the web coaching platform.
Last, we make the dual certification easy:
– Certified Wellcoaches, who are also Members during their entire certification period, renew their Wellcoaches certification for free.
– Your Wellcoaches membership delivers the 36 continuing education hours required for your national board certification every three years.
– Your Wellcoaches certification dates will be synchronized with your national board certification dates.
Onward and upward! Coach Meg